Request for Release
Transfers Out of Daniel K. Inouye Elementary School
Transferring Schools / Moving Off Island
Parents/guardians please visit the office to complete a release form at least two weeks prior to the child’s last day of school. This will assist faculty and staff with the preparation of the release packet in a timely manner.
On the child’s last day of school, a parent / guardian should come to the office to pick up the sealed release packet. Please do not lose this packet, it contains confidential information. If a parent / guardian is not able to pick up the release packet, please contact the office for further assistance.
Early Release Before the End of the School Year
A student leaving during the last four weeks of school will be given a report card with grades for the school year and an indication as to promotion or non-promotion based on his/her achievements and effort up to date of release.
A student leaving during the fifth and sixth weeks before school closes will be given a report card with grades up to time of departure, with a recommendation as to promotion or non-promotion based on a stated estimate of anticipated final grades.
A student leaving school prior to the sixth week before school closes will be released through normal procedure, except that the report card and a progress report will be given at the time of departure. School records will be forwarded later upon request of the receiving school.
These dates have been set in the assumption that students who leave prior to this date will enroll in a new school in time for that school to determine the final grades. If the student does not enroll in a new school before the end of the school year, it will be up to the receiving school the following year to determine promotion or non-promotion for work done in the previous school year.
In cases where the application of this policy is complicated, the principal will be consulted.