Educators » Welcome to School Year 2024-2025!

Welcome to School Year 2024-2025!

Annual Training Videos
The required annual training videos are available online. To view on-demand video training modules, select from the links provided below. 
1. HIDOE Code of Conduct Video (All Employees, Substitute, Casual Hires)
2. Hawaii State Ethics Training (All Employees, Substitute, Casual Hires)
3. FERPA Training
FERPA Training Instructions, read first! (All Employees/Volunteers)
FERPA Training Video (All Employees/Volunteers)
U.S. Dept of Education FERPA 101 for LEAs (All Employees; 40-minute online training module) NEW
4. Bloodborne Pathogens (All Employees, Substitute, Casual Hires)
5. Fire Extinguisher (All Employees, Substitute, Casual Hires)
6. HAZCOM Hazard Communication (All Employees, Substitute, Casual Hires)
7. Restraints and Seclusion Regulation (All Employees, Substitute, Casual Hires)
8. School Communities of Compassion, Dignity, and Respect (All Employees, Substitute, Casual Hires)
9. Special Education (All Employees, Substitute, Casual Hires)
10. Suspected Child Abuse Mandated Reporting (All Employees, Substitute, Casual Hires)
11. Tsunami Awareness (All Employees, Substitute, Casual Hires)
12. Workplace Violence Video (All Employees, Substitute, Casual Hires)
Educator Effectiveness System Orientation (Teachers) (Revised July 2024)* 
EES Resources (Teachers; resources, optional)
T-SEAS (Teachers) and basic information (Teachers)
Opening of School Year Packet
HIDOE OSYP for All Employees
Employee Emergency Card Form