Student Supports » Student Supports

Student Supports

Student Success Advisors

DKIES' Student Success Advisors offer supports to help students in the areas of academic achievement, attendance, and social/emotional development.


Guidance Classes
Guidance lessons are presented in the classroom throughout the year.  Lessons are aligned with our social-emotional learning curriculum Second Step, Panorama Education, and other Character Education resources.


Individual Sessions
One to-One with Student
All students have access to Student Success Advisors and any child may access an advisor for walk-in assistance and parent permission is not required.
However, some students may need additional skill-building, mentoring, and/or support to be successful in school and in life beyond a session or two.  The request for individual sessions may come from a student, a teacher, an administrator, and/or a student's family.  Sustained support requires family consent.
These personalized interactions between the Student Success Advisor and a student have regularly scheduled times to meet, an identified topic of concern, a clear goal of what success will look like, concrete actions to practice, and communication with families.
Some topics may include:
  • Academic skills and achievement
  • Appreciating differences
  • Behavior, choices, consequences, responsibility
  • Character education (respect, kindness, trustworthiness, etc.)
  • Conflict resolution
  • Decision making
  • Emotional awareness and coping skills
  • Friendship and Social Skills
  • Goal Setting


Group Sessions

Small group sessions consist of a Student Success Advisor working with 2 to four students at a time who have a similar need area and/or are working on practicing their newly learned skill(s).  Group sessions have regularly scheduled times to meet, a clear goal of what success will look like, concrete actions to practice, and communication with families.  Signed permission by a parent or guardian is required for participation.
Students have an opportunity to learn from each other, share ideas, give and receive feedback, increase their awareness, gain new knowledge, practice skills, and think about goals and actions.  Group discussions are growth-centered and solution-focused.




On our campus, we also have the following additional supports and services:


School-Based Behavioral Health

Provides a variety of school-based behavioral health and educational support services to students, identified through their Individual Educational Plans (IEP), as being in need of such services. These services are provided in an effort to increase the student's ability to benefit from their education. Those providing services include psychologists and masters-level clinicians.




Military Family Life Counseling

Confidential non-medical counseling addresses issues such as improving relationships at home and work, stress management, adjustment difficulties, parenting, and grief or loss.  It does not address active suicidal or homicidal thoughts, sexual assault, child abuse, domestic violence, alcohol and substance abuse, or serious mental health conditions.




Tripler School Mental Health Team

Works with students, families, and school team to create and implement a comprehensive education and support team on the school's campus for students with mental health issues.  One type of therapy used is Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, or PCIT.  Those providing services include psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers.