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The Hawaii State Board of Education ("Board") was established by the Hawaii State Constitution, which grants the Board the power to formulate statewide educational policy. The Board appoints the executive officers of the public school system and public library system and the members of the State Public Charter School Commission.
The Hawai'i State Department of Education is the only statewide public school district in the country. It comprises 256 public schools and 34 charter schools, educating about 180,000 students. We have about 22,000 permanent full-time staff including about 13,000 teachers.
The Learning Design Framework emerges from a set of principles grounded in the belief that all students in Hawaiʻi can achieve success in school and beyond.
Career & Technical Education : Hawaii Content and Performance Standards III
Computer Science : Computer Science Teachers Association
English Language Arts & Mathematics : Common Core State Standards
Fine Arts : Hawaii Content and Performance Standards III
Health Education : National Health Education Standards
Physical Education : Hawaii Content and Performance Standards III
Science : Next Generation Science Standards
Social Studies : Hawaii Core Standards for Social Studies
World Languages : Hawaii Content and Performance Standards III
Computer Science : Computer Science Teachers Association
English Language Arts & Mathematics : Common Core State Standards
Fine Arts : Hawaii Content and Performance Standards III
Health Education : National Health Education Standards
Physical Education : Hawaii Content and Performance Standards III
Science : Next Generation Science Standards
Social Studies : Hawaii Core Standards for Social Studies
World Languages : Hawaii Content and Performance Standards III
New state standards are challenging students to understand subject matter more deeply, think more critically, and apply their learning to the real world. To measure these new state standards, educators from Smarter Balanced states worked together to develop new, high-quality assessments in English and math for grades 3–8 and high school. These Smarter Balanced assessments provide more accurate and meaningful information about what students are learning by adapting to each student’s ability, giving teachers and parents better information to help students succeed in school and after.
The Compact (not exhaustive) addresses the key issues encountered by military families: eligibility, enrollment, placement and graduation. It uses a comprehensive approach that provides a consistent policy in every school district and in every state that chooses to join. Children of active duty members of the uniformed services, National Guard and Reserve on active duty orders, commissioned officers of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Unites States Public Health Service (USPHS), and members or veterans who are medically discharged or retired for one year are eligible for assistance under the Compact. The Compact also covers students of members who perish on active duty for a period of one year following their death.